Become a Donor

Support the Thetford Chamber Singers

The following levels of annual support will be acknowledged in our concert programs, with businesses listed on the back cover and individuals listed on the inside of the back cover. Donations received by April 15th will be included in the spring concert program.

  • Program Sponsor: $750 and up
  • Patron: $500-$749
  • Benefactor: $250-$499
  • Supporter: $100-$249
  • Contributor: $50-$99
  • Friend: up to $49

To the friends of the Thetford Chamber Singers:
Singing together, the members of the Thetford Chamber Singers (TCS) have learned to trust each other and to open our hearts to the music we are singing. In rehearsal and in performance, singing well means sharing that openness--with each other, and with you. Your appreciation of our concerts and your financial support are essential to the strength of TCS.

Thanks to you, we met last year’s goal. In July of 2018, we set a new fundraising goal of $5,000. We are well on our way to meeting that goal and feel lucky to have a loyal local following as well as supporters from across the miles. We’re excited to launch enhanced communications, additional website content, a stronger social media presence, and a new Season Pass option for purchasing tickets to our performances. No amount is too small. ~ Read our fundraising update.

There are several ways to support TCS:

  • Spring flower bulb fundraiser (online & via TCS members in the autumn)

  • Winter wreath fundraiser (via TCS members in autumn)

  • Attending concerts and ticket sales (online or via TCS members)

  • Individual donations (check or online)

  • Company matches to individual donations (check or online)

  • Corporate donations (check or online)

  • Program ads (check or online & contact TCS with details)

Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Thetford Chamber Singers. To pay for your donation:

  • Click the "donate" button on this page for an online donation.

  • Make checks payable to "Thetford Chamber Singers," and send to this address: Thetford Chamber Singers, P.O. Box 144, Thetford, VT 05074.

Should you experience any difficulty using the online process to make your donation, please contact us at: or 802.870.6362.

Thanks so very much for your support!